Fix or upgrade your PC
Is your computer running slow? This is the most common repair service for PC. There are different reasons why you have a slow computer. Computer malware, or more commonly known as a virus, infects operating system files, consumes system resources that slow down your PC or even cause it to crash. Viruses can also corrupt your data, try to steal personal data, spam your email contacts or social media accounts, etc.
There are other reasons why a PC performs slowly, check our website for more information. If you Google “Computer repair near me”, call us for a free consultation, we serve the Tampa Bay area
This option uses a malware scan to detect, quarantine, or remove computer malware, preventing it from causing further damage. If you think there is malware on your PC, do not use your computer for banking or other similar important purposes. Do not call any “fake tech support”, they will try to access your computer to steal your information and make you pay hundreds of dollars. Give us a call, we’re in Hillsborough County.

The boot sector contains the code that is used to start the operating system when the device is first turned on. If this is virus-infected, you may see a message saying, “No bootable device found.” This problem can also be caused by a faulty hard drive. The best way to determine the cause of this problem is through a diagnostic. Google “Computer Repair Tampa”, give us a call, we serve the Tampa Bay area.

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
If you get this screen on your computer, then you may have a software or hardware problem. The software problem is commonly caused by malware or some corruption in the Windows OS files. For hardware problems, the most common reason is a faulty hard drive, it can also be faulty RAM or something else. We diagnose and fix the “Blue Screen of Death” problem almost every day, evaluation is free. Give us a call, we serve Hillsborough County and the Tampa Bay area.

Windows Updates never end
This problem is usually caused by Malware or a faulty hard drive. There are other reasons for this situation such as slow internet connection, not enough hard drive space available, some updates are not compatible with some hardware or software, etc. Search Google for “Computer Repair Near Me” to find our service in Tampa.

A computer SSD (solid state drive) upgrade significantly improves its overall performance. Upgrading to an SSD means replacing a traditional hard drive with a solid-state drive that has no moving parts and uses flash memory to quickly store and retrieve data. Basically, the speed of your computer is not going to be what it was when you first bought it new, it’s going to be so much better!! Call us for more information on SSD installation and upgrade.